For those looking for a quick detox/cleansing, enema seems like the perfect option to start with. But as with any such therapy, there are some common guidelines that you need to keep in mind before getting started. Below we have mentioned some of the tips to get you started with your first enema.
- Get the right equipment- There are different types of enema equipment such as enema bulb and enema bags or enema buckets available in the market and they are meant to meet different requirements. You need to make sure that the equipment you have selected serves the purpose for you as this will affect the results you get.
- Get comfortable- Find a comfortable spot for performing the enema session and try to figure out a comfortable position for you by trying out different positions. Some people like to lie down on the floor while some prefer doing it in the bathtub.
- Do not rush into things- Enema may seem like a daunting task especially if you are attempting it for the very first time. But don’t worry and take as much time as you want. Taking a warm shower before performing the enema may help in soothing your nerves and get you calm. Just keep in mind that you are not the only one performing this procedure, there are millions of people who have performed this procedure and are still using it on a regular basis.
- Use a lubricant- Using a lubricant is a must if you want to avoid any unnecessary pain. Using a lubricant will help the nozzle to glide in easily without causing any discomfort.
- Sterilize your equipment after every use- Yes, it is an obvious one but we would still like to mention it as it also one of the most important ones. To maintain proper sanity, it is of utmost importance to clean the enema equipment after every single use. Ideally warm soapy water is fine to be used for this purpose.
- Try to be close to a shower- If you are doing it for the first time or if you are using a large volume of the enema (or even otherwise), try to stay close to the bathroom. In fact, if your bathroom is big enough, it is best to perform the enema in your bathroom only.

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